Coaching for Doctors
At Fiona Sykes Associates, one of the areas where we have substantial experience is dealing with medical careers.
Postgraduate doctors
Choosing a specialty from the 60+ options available can be a daunting prospect. Tapping into the expertise of a career coach with experience of working in the NHS coaching doctors can help you make the right choice for the career and life you desire.
Developing your leadership skills
We use a range of psychometric tools to provide insight into your leadership style, and coaching to support your development objectives. This helps you to improve your ability to get the best out of yourself and others at work. Some of the tools we use are: Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality instrument, Emotional Competency Inventory 360 degree feedback and Strengths Finder.
Thinking of leaving medicine?
Whatever grade you're at, exploring your options, the implications and strategy with a coach can really help. We make use of a variety of psychometric tools to assist with this process, such as the Morrisby career choice tool, Strengths Finder and MBTI.
Why choose Fiona Sykes Associates?
Fiona has worked for the NHS coaching doctors, has presented at a number of medical conferences, and contributed to Davidson's Foundations of Clinical Practice, Elsevier 2009.
At Fiona Sykes Associates, we each have over 20 years' experience in career coaching, which allied with our knowledge of medical training, helps us help you make the most of what you have to offer in medicine.
'Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did do.'
Mark Twain