What is coaching?
Coaching is a structured, two way process that promotes learning and growth by building awareness and responsibility which creates increased satisfaction and enjoyment for the individual and better results for the organisation.
As part of the coaching process at Fiona Sykes Associates, we select from a range of tools to increase self-awareness and insight. Some of these tools include:
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator personality instrument
- Emotional Competency Inventory 360 degree feedback
- Strengths Finder
- Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument
Our approach is to tailor each programme to suit the client. To find out how coaching could help your career or organisation, contact us.
'Talent management and succession planning are more important in a downturn as it's crucial to know where key talent sits within an organisation, and how to develop people to meet short and long term business critical issues.'
CIPD - War on Talent' Survey.